GSEB School Rules


  • Admission to this school is restricted by certain Government regulations and by conditions of age, ability and conduct. Applicants for admission will be examined and put in the Class for which they are found fit.
  • No admission is complete until the Leaving Certificate from the last recognized School attended is produced countersigned by the Educational Inspector of that State, if the pupil comes from another state. For fresh admissions, a Birth Certificate signed by the parent or guardian, is required.
  • The Principal reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign reasons for his / Her action.
  • No Leaving Certificate will be issued unless applied for by the Parents or Guardian in person or in writing, and after all dues have been paid and Library Books and School belongings are returned. Fees are due for so long as no notice of withdrawal is given. If a Leaving Certificate is not asked for within two years, a fee of Rs 10/- is charged for the same as for a duplicate certificate. For a duplicate certificate, an affidavit is necessary.
  • Pupils failing to pass each standard may be asked to leave the School when the Principal judges it as a sign of incapacity to cope with the standard required by the School. Pupils failing twice in the same standard or thrice in different standards must discontinue their studies in this School.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual illness, disobedience or defiance of authority or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the School are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
  • Pupils are responsible to the School authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Hence misbehavior in public streets and conveyances is liable to the same sanction.



  • Each student should carry the Parent-Teacher Communication Diary to school with his/her photograph and identification information completed and signed by his/her parent. If anyone loses their diary a new one will have to be purchased without delay.
  • Punctuality is essential at all times. Children must arrive in school at least 5 minutes. Students who contravene this rule without valid reasons will be punished. On the third occasion They will be sent home.
  • If the student is late due to unavoidable circumstances the parent should accompany the child and seek the Principal's permission before sending the ward to the class.
  • Good manners, habits of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required at all times.
  • During work hours, order and silence is to be maintained around the premises. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed during regular school days, functions and excursions. In case students are found carrying a mobile phone, it will be forfeited.
  • Gathering of signatures to bring pressure on the authorities is strictly prohibited. Previous sanction of the principal is needed for any organized school activity.
  • The School is not responsible for lost books, money, clothes, etc. Pupils must look after their own things. It is not advisable for them to bring valuable articles to School.
  • Pupils are to be in their respective classes before the bell goes for their roll-call session and after the recess bell.
  • Once the child has come to school he/she will not be allowed to go on a half day leave. In case of any emergency, parents will personally come and pick up their wards. No child will be allowed to go home with any unknown person.
  • It is compulsory for every student to speak in ENGLISH during the school hours.
  • Students and parents should not give any gift to any staff members on any occasion.
  • Care must be taken in using all school property, and nobody should spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.
  • Pupils should be proud of their school and should maintain decorum and dignity not only in the school but also outside the school. Their behaviour and conduct should reflect the high standards the school has set itself and prove themselves worthy ambassadors of the institution.


  • Students are not allowed to distribute sweets, chocolates or any other individual gifts to their classmates or teachers. However, they may bring a knowledgeable / story book for their own class students only.


  • Bullying is an anti - social behavior and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Bullying includes:

    Physical violence - pushing, kicking, hitting or threats of violence.

    Name calling, racist abuse, spreading rumors and persistent teasing

    Making fun of someone or making someone feel stupid and unwanted.

    Every person at SDIS should be treated with respect. Nobody has the right to bully.


  • Regular attendance is an important element for successful work .No leave of absence will be granted except for valid reason and only on prior written request from parent or guardian leave during the term is not permitted except under special circumstances.
  • In case of sickness of the student, the leave note should be accompanied by the doctor’s certificate and the school should be informed as early as possible,This should be duly signed by the parents or guardian and countersigned by the principal before the pupil enters the class.
  • Absence without leave is penalized with a fine or with any other form of punishment at the Principal's discretion, and if a pupil is absent for 15 days without leave his/her name may be removed from the class-rolls; and the usual admission fee will be charged if he/she is readmitted.
  • Every student is expected to attend classes on the re-opening day after each of the vacations. Those absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate before they are admitted to class.
  • No pupil may absent himself from any examination or test except when prevented by reasons of health in which case a medical certificate is required.
  • Attendance for 75% of the total working days of the total academic year is a must, failing which the student will not be eligible to appear for the final examination.
  • Non-observance of these rules of leave will be regarded as a serious breach of discipline and the
  • Students name is liable to struck off from the roll.s


Parents should see that their wards attend the School and the School Functions in the prescribed uniform i.e.
Summer Boys :
Girls :
Winter Regular school uniform with school woolen garment.
Sports School Sports T-shirt, Track Pants, socks and shoes.
  • Parents are expected to make sure that their wards are in proper uniform.
  • Uniform should be properly washed and ironed neatly.
  • Shirts should be buttoned up and tucked in properly.
  • Neck-tie should be worn properly.
  • Parents should pin a handkerchief duly labeled on the left side of the shirt / pinafore properly.
  • It is mandatory to bring one set of clothes along with the child's name in a polythene bag duly labeled, without fail for emergency use.
  • It is mandatory to attach name labels to all items of uniform such as socks, woolen garments, etc. to prevent loss.
  • Hair to be oiled and neatly combed / pinned.
  • Long hair should be properly tied or plaited. Only white bands and black clips are permitted.
  • Fancy haircuts and highlighting of hair is not permitted
  • Henna, nail polish and accessories must be strictly avoided.
  • Nails should be cut short regularly.
  • All the Students must wear the ID card regularly.

  • Parents are requested to acquaint themselves fully with the rules and abide them. In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, the maximum co-operation between parents and school authorities is necessary.
  • Parents must take a serious note of all the notes made in the Parent-Teacher Communication Diary and countersign regularly.
  • The School authorities expect the parents to report to them any negligence or misconduct.
  • Parents or guardians should see that their children come to school neatly dressed in full uniform.
  • Both the parents should be present on Parent-Teacher's/Collaboration Meet held during the year.
  • Parents/guardians are not allowed to see the student or meet the teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • Special reports of the student's conduct, application, progress and attendance are issued by the School after tests and examinations. Parents should see that these reports are brought to them and take steps in time against the causes that impede the progress of their children.
  • These reports must be countersigned by the parents as proof that they have seen them. Failure to do so may put the children to great inconvenience. They should keep an eye on the attendance reports
  • Parents should encourage children to take part in the co-curricular activities of the school.
  • The School must be informed of any change in the home address of the student especially, contact numbers.
  • When communicating with the Principal, parents must mention the class in which their children are studying at present
  • Parents are requested to maintain the decorum in the school premises.
  • Appreciating your assurance for the safety of your son/daughter you shall not hold the school authorities responsible / liable for any unforeseen incidents whatsoever beyond the control of the organizers or the school authorities.

contact us

Swaminarayan Dham
International School

Nr. SMVS Swaminarayan Hospital,
Koba-Gandhinagar Highway,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007

Phone : +91 9979884471
Email :